Aesthetics Anti-wrinkle Injection

Anti-wrinkle Injection – Reduction of fine lines and facial wrinkles

Anti-wrinkle Injection results in reducing the appearance of already existing wrinkles and prevents new wrinkles from forming. This treatment causes facial muscles to loosen and relax, resulting in a very natural and fresh look.

Who can perform the procedure?

All procedures involving the use of Anti-wrinkle Injection can only be performed by qualified, trained doctors.

Medical Indications

Anti-wrinkle Injection procedures are recommended mostly for patients who want to reduce wrinkles, and above all to correct minor wrinkles, such as:

  • Around the eyes – “crow’s feet”
  • Forehead furrows
  • Frown lines between the eyes
  • Gentle eyelid lift
  • Around the mouth, chin and neck

Effects last from 6 to 8 months. Depending on age, present skin condition and the area of injection, the desired effect can be observed within 3 to 10 days after the procedure. The effect is skin looks natural and facial muscles are relaxed.

When not to perform the procedure

  • When a patient suffers skin infections or skin cancers
  • Has active herpes
  • Is taking medicine affecting blood coagulation and anticoagulants (e.g. aspirin)
  • Is taking antibiotics
  • Has flu
  • Is pregnant and/or breastfeeding
  • Is hypersensitive to components of the preparation (human serum albumin)

Description of the procedure

After conducting initial anamnesis the doctor will plan the procedure adapted to your face’s individual needs. Afterwards the Anti-wrinkle Injection will be given using a single-use syringe with a fine needle. The procedure normally takes around 15 – 20 minutes. Pain during the procedure is minimal, however slight discomfort might be felt at the moment of inserting the needle into the skin.

Recommendations after the procedure

After the procedure you may observe slight reddening or marks after the injections, as well as some minor bruising if the needle meets a small blood vessel. Recovery is fast, however patients should remember to avoid bending down for a few hours after the procedure. In the following few weeks it is recommended to not undergo procedures using radio frequency, infrared and laser, and to refrain from using saunas or sunbeds. These might shorten the effects of the injection.